Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Today has been a crazy day! Of course I was out of bed at the crack of dawn! Oh! Wait before the crack of dawn because Sawyer doesn't know how to make it past 5:45am! But, today I didn't mind it as much. Mostly because I got to see my beautiful husband all dressed up. He had an interview for another job position. I am wanting so bad for him to get it to! He sometimes amazes me when he sets out to accomplish something he turns into this get it done kind of man. When he was getting his degree he went to school FULL TIME! He managed a restaurant FULL TIME! Was a Husband and a Father FULL TIME! He still managed to graduate with honors. He has been going over this position for weeks now.I don't think he has slept! He comes to bed late, late, late and wakes early, early, early.Going over and over manuals and papers and talking to me about stuff I don't understand. So my neck hurts from nodding like I do understand...Shhhh! So, on drive alone I think they should give him this job! Ha! Ha! I will keep everyone updated! I posted a picture from one of our past mommy meet-up play dates. Meet our egg people! Today we went to the Antique car museum. This guy was a nut case! He collected everything! I mean EVERYTHING!!! It was great fun but there was little there that the kids could actually touch. I am so thankful for a wonderful son that listens to me! I was saddened for other mothers that looked like they were going to have a nervous break down! We did enjoy seeing all the Bat Mobiles and the penguins "Duckie Mobile". It was just an all around fun day!

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